WADAKOHSAN CORPORATION was founded in Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shi in January 1899.
The Company was incorporated in December 1966.
WADAKOHSAN CORPORATION was founded in Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shi in January 1899.
The Company was incorporated in December 1966.
Our corporate philosophy is “Tomoiki (Symbiosis),” which is the belief that one’s conviction leads to the happiness of others.
The head office is located in Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo Prefecture. For details, refer to Corporate Information.
In September 2004, the Company conducted its IPO on the JASDAQ (currently, TSE JASDAQ) market. The Company moved to the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in April 2020. It subsequently transferred to the Standard Market with the new market segments introduced in April 2022.
The Company’s security code is 8931.
The Board of Directors consists of 8 directors and 4 directors(Audits & Supervisory Committee Members).
For details on our history, refer to Corporate Information.
For details on our business, refer to Corporate Information.
This brand name is derived from the letters of the Company name, WADA and KOHSAN, and the English word, “Residence.”
The Company plans to announce its annual financial statements in April.
Please refer to Financial Data.
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation is the administrator of shareholder registry. Its official web site is at https://www.tr.mufg.jp/english/.
Please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
■Stock Transfer Agency Department, Osaka Branch, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank
TEL: 0120-094-777 (toll-free within Japan)
The annual general meeting of shareholders is held in late May every year.
The Company plans to distribute an ordinary dividend of ¥60 per share.
The Company does not have any such special benefit program.
It is 100 shares.
The base date is the end of February.
Please contact the Company using the Inquiry Form.